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Probably the most common email we get is from people asking just what Flash-Tune ECU remap does, so let me explain one of the major changes we make, although we will cover all the improvements over the next few blog posts.

Using Flash-Tune to remap or reflash your ECU basically makes you standard ECU into a Yamaha Race kit ECU (YEC ECU) but allows you to keep your standard wiring loom, so clocks, lights are all left working.

A YEC ECU alone costs around £2000 plus the cost of the wiring loom, plus the cost of having it fitted, so is far out of the reach of normal trackday riders and because of the loss of the headlight, speedo and so on when you fit a Yamaha Race Kit wiring loom it is a not possible for a road bike. An ECU Remap with Flash-Tune has no such limitations or cost, you can have VeloxRacing remap and Flash your ECU with our ECU Remap and Flash Service using Flash-Tune, or purchase a Flash-Tune ECU remap interface cable from us.

So let’s get into the technical part, perhaps the most significant differences to the performance is the removal of emissions based restrictions, one of the key ones is throttle restrictions.

So if we look at the picture below, this first image is a Yamaha YZF-R6 08-12 standard ECU before remap or modification with Flash-Tune, you will notice that the map shows that even though the rider has the throttle 100% open, the amount the fly by wire throttle actually gives is less than 80% all the way up to 7500 rpm not only that but the throttle action is also quite slow. Also after hitting 12000 rpm the throttle input allowed by the fly by wire reduces down.

R6 Throttle map before Flash-Tune

Let’s compare that to an ECU thats had our Flash-tune remap preformed, and you will see why customers love the throttle response and the way their bike pulls so much harder after a Flash-Tune remap, just look at the red area which shows 100% throttle, and you will see that it is much larger, this means that the bikes ECU is telling the engine a lot more of the time that the rider is asking for 100% throttle, not only that though, you can see that the throttle action is much improved giving a more linear acceleration that our customers rave about Contact us today to discuss your requirements or visit our online shop to purchase the VeloxRacing ECU mail in remap & Flash Service or a Flash-Tune ECU remap Interface Cable..

R6 Throttle map after Flash-Tune

Remember there are many settings that improve your bike with a Flash-Tune remap, and you do not need expensive piggy-back devices like Power Commander’s, Bazzaz, JuiceBox to get the fueling on your bike adjusted either, this can be performed by either our VeloxRacing ECU Remap & Flash Service or the Flash-Tune ECU Remap Interface Cables you can find in our online shop here.

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